Going "jolling" in Johannesburg. Photograph: Alamy
Drawing from eleven executive languages - with English, isiZulu, isiXhosa and Afrikaans - being the majority dominant, South Africa"s jargon reflects the country"s diversity, story and the fast socio-political shift the republic has experienced given 1994. Here"s how to have yourself accepted when you visit. Let us know if you have any some-more of your own to add.
Ag (a-ch). Exclamation identical to the English urgh. Pronounce the Afrikaans "g" as you would "ch" in loch. "Ag, no man! He"s longed for a sitter!"
Amasi (a-mar-si). Or simply maas. Traditional splash done from soured milk. It can be dipsomaniac on the own or served with phutu – solid baked maize dish – and sugarine for breakfast.
Babbelas (bub-a-lars). Hangover - customarily rather a bad one. From the isiZulu word for hangover isibhabhalazi. "Hello, hello. Great celebration last night. How"s your head? Are you a bit babbelas?"
Bra (brah) or bru. Nothing to do with hoop skirt at all, but an spontaneous tenure for "my friend" or "mate", deriving from "brother". "He"s my bra but that group he supports is rubbish." Bru stems from the Afrikaans for brother, broer.
Chips! Chips!. Nothing you"ll find in the kebab emporium around the dilemma but an countenance of notice or warning. "Chips! Chips! He"s off-side"
Doing a Bafana (bah-fah-nah). To direct some-more income for normal service. Derives from the repute of the diseased South Africa side, the Bafana-Bafana, that has nonetheless to have it over the initial turn of a World Cup. "A tip? You"re you do a Bafana!"
Diski (dis-ky). Football in municipality slang. "I love diski. I watch as most games as I can."
Dwaal (dwahrl). To not be profitable attention, or for one"s mind to wander. Derives from the Afrikaans definition "to wander". "I got lost in Moses Mabhida Stadium; I was in such a dwaal I didn"t see at the signs."
Eish (ay-sh). An isiZulu and isiXhosa countenance great for all from resignation, to exasperation, to pleasing surprise. "Eish! I can"t hold they"re personification so badly," or, "Eish! That idea was incredible. Think this could be the year."
Eina (ay-nah). Ouch or sore. Afrikaans, but presumably from Khoikhoi prior to that. "Eina! Did you see where that round strike him?" or "Is your head eina?"
Fundi (foon-dy). An consultant or associating person, from the isiZulu and isiXhosa word for teacher, umfundisi. "Eh? You"re bit of a fundi on the stats then, aren"t you?"
Gatvol (gut-foll). Fed up and irritated. Literally definition in Afrikaans "hole full". Pronounce the "g" as the Scottish "ch" in loch. "We"ve been here for hours and this reserve isn"t going anywhere. I"m gatvol."
Gogga (gog-ga). Any insect or creepy crawly. Pronounce the "g" as the Scottish "ch" in loch. "Did you see that gogga in the road house room the morning? It was on foot afar with my shoes."
Howzit?. Common spontaneous nod that is a contraction of "how is it?"" More of a nod than a specific enquiry. "Hey! Howzit man? I haven"t seen you given the Confederations Cup." Hayibo (hi-ie-boh). Expression of dishonesty or irritation. "Hayibo! Ferdinand? Captain?"
Isit (iz-it). An call for help of surprise, identical in definition to "is that so?". "Isit? Really? I didn"t know Beckham"s initial compare for England was opposite Moldova."
Jawelnofine (yar-well-no-fine). Means anything from "yes" to "ok, yes, but I think you"re being an idiot". "Jawelnofine. Stay out until 4am tonight but recollect we"re drifting to Port Elizabeth at 8am tomorrow."
Jol (jorl). From the Afrikaans definition "to party" or "to have a great time". "C"mon bru, we"re going jolling tonight."
Laduma! (la-do-muh). He scores! Shouted at each idea and originates from the isiZulu for "it thunders". "It"s in! It"s in! Laduma!"
Kif. Geat, good. "That was such a kif game. I"m so blissful we came."
Koeksister (cook-sister). Confectionary identical to Indian gulab jamun done of plaited, risen mix deep-fried and dipped in to ice-cold sugarine syrup. Brought to South Africa by Malay workers, the name derives from the Afrikaans koek (cake) and sissen (to sizzle), after the receptive to advice the prohibited mix creates on assembly the cold syrup.
Lekker (lack-er). From the Afrikaans definition great or great - an countenance of approval. "Lekker man. You have a jersey sealed by Steven Pienaar? Very cool."
Makarapa (mak-ah-rah-pah). Highly flashy headgear ragged by football fans - fashioned out of tough hats and customised to compare group colours. Makarapas have their roots between displaced chairman labourers operative on Johannesburg"s bullion mines.
Mampara (mum-pa-ruh). Fool or idiot, suspected to be Sotho in origin. "Hey, Rooney! Stop working similar to such a mampara."
Muti (moo-ti). Medicine, from the isiZulu muthi. "I need to get a little headache muti; I"m severely babbelas."
Now-now. Reference to something that will occur soon, customarily inside of a integrate of mins but additionally inside of in a integrate of hours. "We need a idea and it"s entrance now-now. "
Oke (oak) and ou (oh). Bloke or guy, from Afrikaans. "I couldn"t see that penalty; that oke in front of us was station up." Pasop (pus-orp). Watch out. "Pasop! Carry on and you"ll get a red card."
Quagga (kwa-gh-uh). An archaic class of zebra (Equus quagga) that once hooked the Cape but was wanted out in the 1800s. Pronounce the Afrikaans "g" as you would "ch" in loch. "Bafana-Bafana? Win the World Cup? You"re saying quaggas, mate."
Robot. Traffic light. "There are hawkers offered great caps nearby the robot."
Shibobo (she-bor-bor). To nutmeg an competition and have a dope out of them. "Heh! Look at that shibobo."
Skollie (skor-ly), skelm (skeh-lim) and skabenga (ska-beng-ga) Criminals or people up to no good. "Did that skollie splash your wallet?" or "What a skabenga – he"s headbutted him." "Bunch of skelms!"
Tekkies (tack-ies). Trainers. "Hold on, I"ll only grab my tekkies." Taxi Sometimes a car, but customarily refers to mini-bus taxis, that are used via South Africa. Taxis are not regularly roadworthy and can be driven dangerously.
Ubuntu (oo-boon-to). Southern African truth with the executive principle that a chairman is a chairman since of alternative people – no man is an island. Ubuntu was executive to the post-Apartheid Truth and Reconciliation Commission. From the isiZulu word for goodness. "I gave afar my tickets in the suggestion of ubuntu."
Vuvuzela (voo-voo-zeh-la). A long, cosmetic horn blown loudly at each football compare in South Africa and thought to have been modelled on an antelope horn. No self-respecting football fan should be but one.
Wena (where-nuh). You, from isiZulu. "Hey wena. Would similar to a beer?"
Wors (vors). Traditional Afrikaans sausage right away eaten by everyone. Flavoured with artificial flavouring such as coriander and chilli, the full name is boerewors, that translates without delay as farmers" sausage. A wors hurl is a length of wors in a white bread roll, surfaced with onions, grained mustard and chopped tomatoes sauce. You might additionally have mix (cooked maize meal) and wors with a chopped tomatoes and onion sauce.
Xhosa (korsa). South African clan widespread in the Eastern Cape province. The minute "x" is conspicuous with a click emanating from the sides of the mouth, as if you were clicking at a horse. "My crony Lusanda is Xhosa; she speaks isiXhosa."
Yebo (yeah-boh). Yes, yeah. "Yebo – I"ve got the compare tickets in my pocket, don"t worry."
Zakumi - the executive World Cup mascot. Designed by Andries Odendaal, Zakumi is an anthropomorphised leopard with immature dreadlocks. His name comes from "ZA", the formula for South Africa, and "kumi", that equates to 10 in assorted African languages.
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