Friday, June 25, 2010

Neighbours of couple killed by arsonists tell of similar attack

By Martin Evans, Andy Bloxham and Chris Irvine Published: 5:56PM GMT 02 March 2010

Couple who challenged yobs die after home set alight: Kath and Albert Adams on legal legal holiday in Paris in 1999 Kath and Albert Adams on legal legal holiday in Paris in 1999 Photo: CATERS NEWS

Jack Williams, who uses a wheelchair, and his mother Ivy, both 90, were defunct when his mobility scooter was set land assumingly by the same squad obliged for the killings.

As fume proposed to vapour in to their home by an open window, Mrs Williams was woken by the abandon and roused her husband, saving their lives.

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Mr Williams: "The initial we knew was when Ivy pronounced there was a splendid light outward the window. I got up and there was fume pouring by the lavatory window, someway I managed to get opposite to it and impact it shut.

"If she hadn"t woken up we"d be dead."

The conflict on the still estate on the hinterland of Rugby, Warwickshire, came less than 48 hours after the deadly conflict on Albert and Kath Adams, both 77.

Police think the same criminals were responsible.

Yesterday Mr and Mrs Adams" son Keith and daughter Nicola released a reverence to them by the police.

It read: "Kath and Albert were a lot of things to a lot of people - parents, grandparents, brother, sister, friends. They were the stone that pulled everybody together.

"Their doorway was continually open and their young kids and grandchildren knew that all problems could be solved with a spoonful of rice pudding and thriving amounts of tea.

"Our lives will never be the same again."

Some internal reports referred to the integrate had challenged boorish teenagers in the area and had been victimised as a result, nonetheless both the military and the victims family pronounced they were unknowingly of this.

However, the estate has, in the past, been uneasy by a squad who call themselves the Overslade Crew.

Fences were continually ripped down, cars scratched with keys and dull bottles of ethanol hurled over grassed area walls.

Photographs and video of teenagers claiming to be members of the squad have been posted on the internet, posing with knives and posturing aggressively.

Residents swayed the legislature to take movement and a dispersion sequence was put in place exclusive groups of teenagers from entertainment in the same place in the evenings.

Madeleine Gray, 85, who lives nearby the attacks, pronounced her old worries had returned: "I can"t nap at night: it is terrifying what has been function around here."


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